Free MVP smart testing during beta

Create Your Custom

Describe your MVP and our AI will build it, test it, and push it to Github in minutes

Generate your first MVP for free - no credit card required
3k+ github commits generated
Your MVP Idea
tech stack
tech stack
Generated MVP!
Your MVP repository is now live on Github

Use AI to build your MVP with your instructions and tech stack

From idea to repository in minutes
enter your MVPs idea, talk a little bit with our AI to define the projects structure, and get back an MVP ready to be deployed
Quality is all
CosLynx will build your MVP and test it making sure everything is working and ensuring high quality repositories
Simple yet powerful
Explain your MVP idea, and our AI will generate your MVP on 3 steps and push the repository to Github
Your MVP tech stack
- Next.js 14 with App router
- Tailwindcss
Customizable resutls
Talk with our AI to customize each step, adding unique features and choosing your own tech stack
Your idea is reality today!
Generate your MVP today with Coslynx in 10 mintues without any code, get fist generation for free now!
Generate your MVP
Coslynx era

An idea is all you need...

Got an idea? Let the best LLMs build it for you with Coslynx
MVP Smart Testing
Once your MVP is generated, Coslynx will run it in a virtual environment testing it and solving any issues it finds
Get a full repository back!
Your full MVPs repository, with a name, description, tags, a world-class readme, and API docs is generated for you
Custom MVPs
Structured code
Private repos

Wait... our pricing is not scary!

No long-term commitment required, just pay for your MVP and take it
Free generation
1 MVP generation
Customizable results
Public Github repos
Bad code quality
No MVP testing
Get Started
$15 / MVP
1 MVP generation
Customizable results
Private Github repos
Good code quality
Normal MVP testing
Get Started
best quality
$100 / MVP
1 MVP generation
Customizable results
Private Github repos
Best code quality
Smart MVP testing
Direct support
Get Started
Coslynx era

What are you going to build?

From idea to MVP in minutes
Get yours now
CosLynx AI
Create your custom MVP with AI in minutes